PUD Distance
Spatial Analysis of distance of photography from rivers and lakes within the Lough Erne catchment. Locations of photography are compared to random points. -
Species richness Ringsjon
Species richness of macroinvertebrates and macrophytes in lake Ringsjon. Macrophyte abundance of in total 19 species measured in presence/absence in 72 transects along the banks... -
CS7 Data Land Use Overview Swiss Plateau
Summary table of land use on the Swiss Plateau. Data from the Swiss Statistical Office, see data set "CS7 Data Land Use" -
Runoff and waterflow data for the Vouga basin
Runoff and waterflow data compiled from the Portuguese Information System of Water Resourses (SNIRH - Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos) for the Vouga basin. /... -
Final case study report
Link to the final report of the Case Study Danube, including the report, a poster, the executive summary (English, German, Romanian) and the Case Study Report Annexes -
Management challenges related to long‐term ecological impacts
Publication in River Res. Applic.: For centuries, rivers have experienced massive changes of their hydromorphic structures due to human activities. The Danube River, the second... -
Challenges of river basin management
Publication in "Science of the Total Environment": n the Danube River Basin multiple pressures affect the river system as a consequence of river engineering works, altering both... -
Current status and restoration options for floodplains along the Danube River
Publication in "Science of the Total Environment": Floodplains are key ecosystems of riverine landscapes and provide a multitude of ecosystem services. In most of the large... -
Faial-Pico Channel - Workshop - 23 May 2018 - Introduction - EN
Faial-Pico Channel - Workshop - 23 May 2018 - Introduction - Holder Gerdes -
Pico Faial Azores - Tourism visitor numbers
Pico Faial Azores - Tourism visitor numbers Annual percentage change Sources:... -
Commercial fishing: Nominal annual catch landed at Faial or Pico ports
Commercial fishing: Nominal annual catch (tonnes) landed at Faial or Pico ports Source:... -
Fishermen Registered at National Ports - Portugal
Fishermen registered at 31 December on national ports (No.) by Register port and Fishing segment; Annual Source: http://smi.ine.pt/Indicador/Detalhes/6172?LANG=EN... -
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 2 regions
Gross domestic product (GDP) at current market prices by NUTS 2 regions [nama_10r_2gdp] 2000 - 2016 Source: EUROSTAT: GDP at current market prices by NUTS2 region.... -
Faial-Pico Channel Linkage Framework
Faial-Pico Channel Linkage Framework pt. 1: Drivers-Pressure- State, weighted by connectance -
Faial-Pico Channel EUINIS Ecosystem Types
Ecosystem Types EUINUS habitat coverage with the Faial-Pico channel -
D9.2 CS8 Annex EN
Ecosystem-based solutions to solve sectoral conflicts on the path to sustainable development in the Azores Annex Stakeholder map of the Faial-Pico Channel Linkage Framework pt.... -
D9.2 Case Study 8 Report EN
Ecosystem-based solutions to solve sectoral conflicts on the path to sustainable development in the Azores -
D9.2 CS8 Executive Summary EN
Ecosystem-based solutions to solve sectoral conflicts on the path to sustainable development in the Azores Summary for Local Stakeholders -
Faial-Pico Channel Workshop Agenda - 3 October 2017 - EN
The Faial-Pico Channel: Scientists, stakeholders, and policy-makers – working together to improve Marine Protected Area management Tuesday, 3 October 2017 Horta, Faial Island,... -
CS7 Publication Ecological assessment of river networks: From reach to...
Freshwater ecosystems are increasingly under threat as they are confronted with multiple anthropogenic impairments. This calls for comprehensive management strategies to...