Cost-benefits indicators linked to the DEMO-sites
Cost-benefits indicators -CBA-. Data linked to WP4 DEMO-sites. -
Current and projected Land use maps at 100 m for Belgium
Under various scenarios, land use changes in Belgium are simulated at 100-meter resolution. Three SSP-RCP scenarios were used to model the land use trends in the present (2018)... -
Current and projected Land use maps at 10 m for Belgium
Under various scenarios, land use changes in Belgium are simulated at 10-meter resolution. Three SSP-RCP scenarios were used to model the land use trends in the present (2020)... -
Socio-economic analysis of ponds and pondscapes. Delivarable 1.5.
The aim of Deliverable 1.5 is to describe the methods of the socio-economic analysis that was conducted within Task 1.6 of the project, as well as its outcomes. We successfully... -
Deliverable 1.2. Analysis of social aspects, ecosystem services and perception
This document presents the results of a survey carried out between 2021 and 2023 on the perceptions of inhabitants and stakeholders, with field studies in six countries in... -
Deliverable 1.1. Evaluation and implementation framework protocol
The aim of the Framework presented in Deliverable 1.1. is to provide overarching guidance for the stakeholder engagement, and social, policy, economic and financing work in DEMO... -
Deliverable 1.3. Synthesis report on policy context of ponds
To understand how EU-level policies and local/national policies in the DEMO-sites (can) support or hinder the implementation of multi-functional pond and pondscape NBS, we... -
Deliverable 1.4. Synthesis report on sustainable financing
Ponds and pondscapes (a complex of multiple ponds) are Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that can address numerous societal challenges, including the need for climate adaptation,... -
Leaflets in a Booklet
This publication brings together 16 leaflets (in English and in local Languages) developed for the DEMO-sites of the EU H2020 PONDERFUL project (2020-2024). These summary... -
Appendix to the pondscape leaflets
In the framework of the project PONDERFUL, a synthetic “leaflet” has been developed for each of the pondscapes making part of DEMO-sites implemented across Europe, Turkey and... -
Stakeholders' benefit preferences survey
The current dataset contains the responses to a survey that was administered at the Demo-site level within the PONDERFUL project. Stakeholders participating in the first... -
Urban Areas Andalucía Points
This dataset has no abstract
PUD Distance
Spatial Analysis of distance of photography from rivers and lakes within the Lough Erne catchment. Locations of photography are compared to random points. -
Species richness Ringsjon
Species richness of macroinvertebrates and macrophytes in lake Ringsjon. Macrophyte abundance of in total 19 species measured in presence/absence in 72 transects along the banks... -
CS7 Data Land Use Overview Swiss Plateau
Summary table of land use on the Swiss Plateau. Data from the Swiss Statistical Office, see data set "CS7 Data Land Use" -
Runoff and waterflow data for the Vouga basin
Runoff and waterflow data compiled from the Portuguese Information System of Water Resourses (SNIRH - Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos) for the Vouga basin. /... -
Final case study report
Link to the final report of the Case Study Danube, including the report, a poster, the executive summary (English, German, Romanian) and the Case Study Report Annexes -
Management challenges related to long‐term ecological impacts
Publication in River Res. Applic.: For centuries, rivers have experienced massive changes of their hydromorphic structures due to human activities. The Danube River, the second... -
Challenges of river basin management
Publication in "Science of the Total Environment": n the Danube River Basin multiple pressures affect the river system as a consequence of river engineering works, altering both... -
Current status and restoration options for floodplains along the Danube River
Publication in "Science of the Total Environment": Floodplains are key ecosystems of riverine landscapes and provide a multitude of ecosystem services. In most of the large...