Planning units for the analysis of aquatic ecosystems in the International Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean and its Area of Influence

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Last Updated August 8, 2018, 10:42 (UTC)
Created July 27, 2018, 12:36 (UTC)
Language Eng
Abstract Spatial planning units (PU) in the CS2. PUs are the basic spatial units on which based a reserve spatial planning. The IBRM and its Area of Influence cover three aquatic realms: freshwater, coastal (land and sea) and open ocean. Different size and shape of the PUs across different realms: PUs in the freshwater ecosystems were the river sub-catchments derived from HydroSHEDS level 12 (Lehner & Grill, 2013; WWF, 2017). PUs of the marine realm were represented through a grid of 10 km x 10 km, whereas the coastal PUs (10km buffer from the shoreline) grid was 1 km x 1 km.
Resource type Spatial dataset
Spatial representation type vector
License CC-BY-4.0
Classification Environment
Creation date 2018-06-06
Publication date 2018-07-27
Last revision date 2018-07-27
INSPIRE theme Geographical grid systems
Free keywords planning units, aquatic ecosystems, realms, catchments, Intercontiental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean
Temporal date 2018-07-27
Lineage For more information, please see Barbosa et al. in press.
Responsible party Organisation: IOC-UNESCO
Role: Point of Contact
Related publications **Barbosa, A., Martín, B., Hermoso, V., Arévalo-Torres, J., Barbière, J., Martínez-López, J., Domisch, S., Langhans, S.D., Balbi, S., Villa, F., Delacámara, G., Teixeira, H., Nogueira, A.J.A., Lillebø, A.I., Gil-Jiménez, Y., Iglesias-Campos, A. in press. An Ecosystem-Based Management Approach for the spatial planning of Green and Blue Infrastructure at the Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean: Andalusia (Spain) – Morocco. STOTEN **Lehner, B., & Grill, G. (2013). Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world’s large river systems. Hydrological Processes, 27(15), 2171–2186. **World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (2017). HydroSHEDS. Retrieved July 31, 2017, from ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **
Projections WGS 84 -- EPSG-4326
Spatial extent - North 36.97
Spatial extent - South 34.8
Spatial extent - East -4.68
Spatial extent - West -5.84

Dataset extent