Zooplankton checklist of the DDBR

Data and Resources

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Field Nilai
Last Updated Juni 12, 2018, 12:33 (UTC)
Dibuat September 13, 2017, 12:30 (UTC)
E-mail torok_zsolt2004@yahoo.co.uk
Language Eng
Abstract Based on informations from various bibliographical references, the work presents the list of 945 zooplankton species ever recorded in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. There are also remarks related to the taxonomical position of some species.
Lisensi CC-BY-4.0
Classification Biota
Creation date 2007-01-10
Publication date 2007-10-31
Last revision date 2007-06-29
INSPIRE theme Species distribution
Free keywords Biota, Protected sites, Zooplankton, Checklist, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania
Temporal date 2007-10-31
Lineage The analyses of the zooplankton-data were carried out in 2006, by checking the information available in various scientific publications. The synthetic list of taxa excludes the varieties of the species. In case of the taxa nominated in different publication as synonyms, the authors chose to mention the most common synonym of the species. The species belonging to a certain zooplankton-category are listed in the alphabetical order of their names (not in systematical order, not according to their phylogeny). The bibliographical references that mention a certain zooplankton taxa are indicated in angle brackets.
Responsible party Organisation: Danube Delta National Institute for Research and Developent
Email: torokliliana@yahoo.com
Role: Author
Limitations on public use No limitations
Spatial extent - North 50.24
Spatial extent - South 42.08
Spatial extent - East 29.76
Spatial extent - West 8.15

Dataset extent