Lateral connectivity Hârtibaciu River

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Field Nilai
Last Updated Juni 12, 2018, 11:14 (UTC)
Dibuat Oktober 25, 2017, 06:10 (UTC)
Language Eng
Abstract The Hârtibaciu River in the Alţâna area has a disturbed lateral connectivity owing to its lateral embankments, as a result of which fish communities in this river sector are negatively influenced. The method of obtaining the water supply for a new proposed wetland is by gravitation, and any excessive water supply to the wetland will be controled and directed to the Hârtibaciu River in a natural manner. A state-of-the-art man-made wetland should increase the quality of the habitat for local fish communities, especially for the Rhodeus sericeus population, which is a species of conservation interest.
Lisensi CC-BY-4.0
Classification Environment
Creation date 2017-06-30
Publication date 2017-06-30
Last revision date 2017-06-30
INSPIRE theme Habitats and biotopes
Free keywords Environment, Habitats and biotopes, Romania
Temporal date 2017-06-30
Lineage To evaluate the necessity for the suggested project the fish association structure was researched in the Alţâna locality (Sibiu County, Romania) proximity of the river Hârtibaciu. In 2015-2016, a mountain fishing net was used for fishing, in time and effort unit, the captured fish were identified and released back into their habitat at once.
Responsible party Organisation: De Gruyter
Role: Publisher
Responsible party Organisation: National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management
Role: Author
Spatial extent - North 50.24
Spatial extent - South 42.08
Spatial extent - East 29.76
Spatial extent - West 8.15

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