JEZIORA (Polish lakes)

Database contains lake monitoring results since 1992 concerning ca 800 Polish lakes. It embraces data on: morphometry, hydrology, physico-chemistry (including chlorophyll a), land use in direct catchment, point sources of pollution. For each lake physico-chemical data from 2 sampling occasions available (spring and summer. For some lakes data from 2-5 years exist. Ten lakes monitored since 1999 six times per year during vegetation period.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF_W_46-L-C (

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Nilai
Last Updated Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Dibuat Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Bbox east long 24.15
Bbox north lat 54.47
Bbox south lat 48.99
Bbox west long 14.10
Dataset language eng
Dataset reference date 2016-01-01
Dataset reference type publication
Guid BF_W_46-L-C
Licence Data provider must be informed of publication 45 days in advance and can object to the use of the dataset within 30 days. Data must be publicly acknowledged and cited correctly.
Metadata date 2014-08-21
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Spatial data type Polygon
Spatial harvester true
Topic category environment, inlandWaters
harvest_object_id e13a5870-b51a-47a4-b1de-117cef407a6d
harvest_source_id 65f99de1-ecac-4e1d-9081-b5dcd8eedffd
harvest_source_title fip-mdb

Dataset extent