Hawaiian Freshwater Algal Database

HfwADB is a digital repository that acts as a Laboratory Information Management System for Hawaiian non-marine algal data. Users can interact with the repository through the web to view relevant habitat data (including geo-referenced collection locations) and download images of collection sites, specimen photographs and micrographs, and DNA sequences.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BFE_82 (http://www.freshwatermetadata.eu/metadb/bf_mdb_view.php?entryID=BFE_82).

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Nilai
Last Updated Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Dibuat Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Access constraints no limitations
Contact email asherwoo@hawaii.edu
Dataset language eng
Dataset reference date 2009-01-01
Dataset reference type publication
Guid BFE_82
Licence no conditions apply
Metadata date 2014-08-21
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Responsible party Botany Department, University of Hawai`i at Manoa
Responsible party role Principal Investigator
Spatial harvester true
Temporal extent begin 2009-01-01T00:00:00
Temporal extent end 2012-12-31T00:00:00
Topic category biota, environment, inlandWaters
harvest_object_id db96569e-0b51-4755-86d7-fe8a9ead1972
harvest_source_id 65f99de1-ecac-4e1d-9081-b5dcd8eedffd
harvest_source_title fip-mdb