Fish-SPRICH: a database of freshwater fish species richness throughout the World

Global freshwater fish richness at the drainage basin scale related to native, endemic and introduced species richness.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF8 (

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Nilai
Last Updated Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Dibuat Juni 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Contact email
Dataset language eng
Dataset reference date 2013-01-01
Dataset reference type publication
Guid BF8
Metadata date 2013-03-28
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Responsible party Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - UMR BOREA
Responsible party role Principal Investigator
Spatial harvester true
Topic category environment, inlandWaters
harvest_object_id bd82aad2-19b8-431d-a637-c80f93a5fc23
harvest_source_id 65f99de1-ecac-4e1d-9081-b5dcd8eedffd
harvest_source_title fip-mdb