Phytoplankton in Middle Elbe catchment (Germany)

This database comes from different sources (monitoring programs in the period 2005-2012) aiming to create an information system on the state of water environment in the Middle Elbe basin. This information includes environmental (water, land use) and biological (phytoplankton, status of benthic macroinvertebrates and fish) elements obtained from sampling stations placed in larger rivers and lakes connected to the river network and from GIS maps in the whole catchment. The database is also used for empirical modelling of ecological status of phytoplankton and is compiled within the context of the FP7 MARS project.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - MARS_15 (

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Mező Érték
Last Updated június 23, 2017, 14:45 (UTC)
Created június 23, 2017, 14:45 (UTC)
Access constraints internal
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Dataset language ger
Dataset reference date 2014-01-01
Dataset reference type publication
Guid MARS_15
Metadata date 2016-04-27
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Responsible party Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Responsible party role Principal Investigator
Spatial harvester true
Temporal extent begin 2005-01-01T00:00:00
Temporal extent end 2012-12-31T00:00:00
Topic category biota, environment, inlandWaters
harvest_object_id d62d52ad-48ad-4946-9574-185130d60903
harvest_source_id 65f99de1-ecac-4e1d-9081-b5dcd8eedffd
harvest_source_title fip-mdb