The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework

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Last Updated szeptember 11, 2018, 09:13 (UTC)
Created július 27, 2018, 08:21 (UTC)
Language Eng
Original language English
Abstract Introducing ecosystem services into the DPSIR framework to help EBM implemenation.
Licenc CC0-1.0
Classification Environment
Responsible party Organisation: PLOS
Role: Publisher
Related publications Kelble C.R., Loomis, D.K., Lovelace, S., Nuttle, W.K., Ortner, P.B., Fletcher, P., Cook, G.S., Lorenz, J.J. and Boyer, J.N. (2013). The EBM-DPSER conceptual model: integrating ecosystem services into the DPSIR framework. PloS one, 8(8), p.e70766.