Deliverable 1.2. Analysis of social aspects, ecosystem services and perception

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Last Updated augusztus 1, 2024, 11:03 (UTC)
Created augusztus 1, 2024, 11:03 (UTC)
Language Eng
Title in original language Analysis of social aspects, ecosystem services and perception of cultural values of ponds. Deliverable 1.2.
Original language English
Abstract This document presents the results of a survey carried out between 2021 and 2023 on the perceptions of inhabitants and stakeholders, with field studies in six countries in Europe, as well as Turkey and Uruguay. Special attention was paid to 17 pond landscapes (named pondscapes) to understand how inhabitants and stakeholders relate to pondscape DEMO-sites in PONDERFUL. Different questionnaires were created and a series of workshops was conducted to identify their preferences and expectations of the pondscapes near them. The subjects covered include the participants’ proximity to the pondscape, their awareness regarding the knowledge about, and an overall assessment of, the site(s). We collected 108 exploitable answers from stakeholders and 590 from inhabitants. As demonstrated in our study, there is evidence that pondscapes are widely valued by the inhabitants and stakeholders because of their benefits for quality of life and for biodiversity. They are life areas, also perceived as safe places. There is evidence that pondscapes are widely valued by the inhabitants and stakeholders because of their benefits for quality of life and biodiversity. Stakeholders gave almost always higher ratings than inhabitants. Their professional profile of environmental manager/planner or their degrees in environmental studies might help explain this difference. A wide consensus was found on a range of issues as the environmental condition of pondscapes and the contributions of pondscapes.
Licenc Creative Commons Attribution
Responsible party Organisation: Institut Supérieur d’Agriculture Rhône-Alpes I.S.A.R.A.
Role: Principal Investigator
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