Conservation status of habitat types and species (Article 17, Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC)

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Mező Érték
Last Updated augusztus 14, 2017, 11:26 (UTC)
Created augusztus 14, 2017, 10:30 (UTC)
Language Eng
Abstract Article 17 dataset The dataset contains tabular data as reported by Member States for the 2007-2012 period; this includes habitat areas, population sizes, trends, pressures and threats, and conservation status at the national biogeographical level. In addition, it includes conservation status and trends in conservation status at the EU biogeographical level as assessed by the EEA and its ETC on Biological Diversity. Files downloaded prior to 4th of September 2015 does not include text fields with information from the general report, which are now added to the 2015 version of the database.
Resource type Spatial dataset
Spatial representation type vector
Licenc CC-BY-4.0
Classification Environment
Last revision date 2015-09-03
INSPIRE theme Habitats and biotopes
Free keywords article17, biodiversity, habitats, habitats directive
Responsible party European Environment Agency
Responsible party email
Responsible party role Owner
Projections ETRS89 - ETRS-LAEA -- EPSG-3035
Spatial extent - North 36.97
Spatial extent - South 34.8
Spatial extent - East -4.68
Spatial extent - West -5.84

Dataset extent