Spatial context of the SAC Rio Vouga PTCON0026
Spatial context of the Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation Rio Vouga PTCON0026. / Contexto espacial do Sítio de Importância Comunitária (SIC) Rio Vouga PTCON0026 da Rede... -
Spatial context of the SPA Ria de Aveiro PTZPE0004
Spatial context of the Natura 2000 Special Protection Area of Ria de Aveiro PTZPE0004. / Contexto espacial da Zona de Protecção Especial (ZPE) PTZPE0004 da Rede Natura 2000. -
WFD 2010 ecological and chemical status of superficial waterbodies (rivers)
The ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of the superficial waterbodies (rivers) of mainland Portugal reported to the European Comission within the scope... -
WFD 2010 ecological and chemical status of superficial waterbodies
The ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of the superficial waterbodies (lakes, transitional and coastal) of mainland Portugal reported to the European... -
Ecosystem Services (ES)
This dataset contains Ecosystem Services (ES), presented as spatially explicit indicators, representing the capacity of provision in the CS2. Specifically we offer 15 different... -
Green and Blue lnfrastructure (GBl). Frequency of selection: baseline and...
This dataset contains the frequency of selection of different planning units after 100 runs in Marxan with Zones (Watts et al., 2009) to identify two different Green and Blue... -
Ecosystem condition
Following Maes et al. (2018), ecosystem condition was quantified in the CS2 area considering three different classes of conservation status: ‘Favourable’, ‘Unfavourable-... -
Aggregated probability of occurrence of aquatic species per planning unit
Species data available in the CS2 area are scarce and mostly based on presence-only data (lacking reliable information on true absences). This dataset contains the results of... -
Green and Blue lnfrastructure (GBl). Best solution: baseline and EBM scenarios
This dataset contains the best solutions obtained from applying a systematic spatial planning tool (Marxan with Zones; Watts et al., 2009) to identify two different Green and... -
Planning units for the analysis of aquatic ecosystems in the International...
Spatial planning units (PU) in the CS2. PUs are the basic spatial units on which based a reserve spatial planning. The IBRM and its Area of Influence cover three aquatic realms:... -
Map of the Rönne å catchment in Skåne
This map shows five major land uses in the Rönne å catchment, municipality borders and the boundaries from two water councils currently being responsible to coordinate measures... -
Biogeographical regions of Romania
Limits of the European biogeographical regions from Romania as a zipped shape-file. -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2012
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
IA2017 Seabed Litter - Relative number of litter items per square km
Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments. -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2013
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2014
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2015
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2015
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2014
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2014
ICES Advice Request: OSPAR request on mapping of bottom fishing intensity using VMS data.
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