Jeux de données
NCPs in ponds and pondscapes from DEMO-sites - Metadata
This technical handbook provides practical advice on the protection, management, restoration and creation of ponds and pondscapes to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate... -
Policy guidance document on ponds
This guide, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, provides policy makers with the tools to design effective plans for... -
Spatial Database of Pondscapes (metadata)
Compiled spatial database for pondscapes obtained from PONDERFUL partner countries containing spatial data and attributes of the ponds. The spatial distribution of the... -
Pan-European database of pond biodiversity (metadata)
The integrated Pan-European pond database has been compiled from multiple published and unpublished datasets that have been collected by several research teams over the period... -
PONDERFUL Decision Support Tool
This tool is designed to assist decision-makers in understanding the benefits of ponds for biodiversity and climate change adaptation/mitigation, helping them to understand the... -
Mean monthly climate predictors for 2021-2023
Monthly mean (arithmetic mean) derived from daily mean (1-hour sampling interval) which was computed as the arithmetic mean of the hourly values belonging to the same day. "Day"... -
Mean monthly temperature 2011-2021
Data processing: Monthly mean of the daily mean (1-hour sampling interval); computed as the arithmetic mean of the values belonging to the same day. "Day" is defined as a... -
Delivarable 1.5. Socio-economic analysis of ponds and pondscapes.
The aim of Deliverable 1.5 is to describe the methods of the socio-economic analysis that was conducted within Task 1.6 of the project, as well as its outcomes. We successfully... -
Climate predictors - 40-year average (1979-2018)
Statistics computed for the 40-year climatology (1979-2018): Mean, 25th and 75th quartiles Variables: Temperature annual mean, BIO01 - Annual mean of the monthly mean... -
PONDERFUL Policy briefing notes
These four policy briefing notes, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, summarise some of the project’s key findings... -
PONDERFUL Summary Information posters
These five digital information posters, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, summarise some of the project’s key... -
Cost-benefits indicators linked to the DEMO-sites
Cost-benefits indicators -CBA-. Data linked to WP4 DEMO-sites. -
Deliverable 1.2. Analysis of social aspects, ecosystem services and perception
This document presents the results of a survey carried out between 2021 and 2023 on the perceptions of inhabitants and stakeholders, with field studies in six countries in... -
Deliverable 1.1. Evaluation and implementation framework protocol
The aim of the Framework presented in Deliverable 1.1. is to provide overarching guidance for the stakeholder engagement, and social, policy, economic and financing work in DEMO... -
Deliverable 1.3. Synthesis report on policy context of ponds
To understand how EU-level policies and local/national policies in the DEMO-sites (can) support or hinder the implementation of multi-functional pond and pondscape NBS, we... -
Deliverable 1.4. Synthesis report on sustainable financing
Ponds and pondscapes (a complex of multiple ponds) are Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that can address numerous societal challenges, including the need for climate adaptation,... -
Leaflets in a Booklet
This publication brings together 16 leaflets (in English and in local Languages) developed for the DEMO-sites of the EU H2020 PONDERFUL project (2020-2024). These summary... -
Appendix to the pondscape leaflets
In the framework of the project PONDERFUL, a synthetic “leaflet” has been developed for each of the pondscapes making part of DEMO-sites implemented across Europe, Turkey and... -
Map of the tourist resources of the Tangier-Tetouan region in Morocco (CIT project))
Les ressources territoriaux touristiques sont composantes du territoire qui peut être susceptibles d'être utilisé pour l'activité touristique, qu'ils soient de touristes,... -
The Mediterranean Sea under siege: spatial overlap between marine...
A large body of knowledge exists on individual anthropogenic threats that have an impact on marine biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea, although we know little about how these... -
Copernicus Africa100m Land Cover Version 1
Land Cover and Land Cover change information is used by resource managers, policy makers and scientists studying the global carbon cycle, biodiversity loss and land degradation.... -
EUSeaMap2 (2016) Broad-Scale Predictive Habitat Map
The EMODnet broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe 2016 (AKA EUSeaMap 2016) is a predictive habitat map which covers the seabed of large area of European waters. The mapped... -
crosswalk MAES-EUNIS-CLC
Crosswalk between EUNIS habitats classification and Corine land cover -
Ecosystem types of Europe
The dataset combines the Corine based MAES ecosystem classes with the non-spatial EUNIS habitat classification for a better biological characterization of ecosystems across... -
Mapping and assessing the condition of Europe's ecosystems
We depend on healthy and resilient ecosystems to continue to deliver services, such as food, water, clean air and stable climate, which are essential for our well-being. This... -
TRANSHABITAT - Sustainable Development of the Transboundary Space Natura...
TRANSHABITAT surge de la necesidad manifiesta de unificar criterios de gestión ambiental a ambos lados del Estrecho de Gibraltar, sobre todo en ciertos hábitats de interés... -
Trends and perspectives of sun and beach tourism in Morocco. The case of the...
The article presented analyzes tourism in Morocco in recent years. We are aware that at present the tourism of the Alawite country is very attractive due to the bet that the... -
Water vulnerability assessment to climate change in the Intercontinental...
The Mediterranean basin has been identified as one of the regions in the world most vulnerable to global change effects. Drought trends in the Mediterranean have increased... -
Plan Hidrológico del Guadalete-Barbate 2015-2021
Plan Hidrológico de la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalete-Barbate La planificación hidrológica es un requerimiento legal que se establece con los objetivos (art.40 TRLA)... -
Plan Hidrológico de las Cuencas Mediterráneas Andaluzas
La planificación hidrológica es un requerimiento legal que se establece con los objetivos (art. 40 TRLA) generales de conseguir el buen estado y la adecuada protección de las... -
Hábitats de Interés Comunitario Terrestres en Andalucía
En cumplimiento de la Directiva 92/43/CEE del Consejo, de 21 de mayo de 1992, relativa a la conservación de los hábitats naturales y de la fauna y flora silvestres, conocida... -
Global Forest Change 2000–2015
Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change from 2000 through 2015. For additional information about these results,... -
Riparian Zones Delineation
The delineation of Riparian Zones is based on a complex spatial modelling approach, making use of the Riparian Zones’ LC/LU classification, large-scale earth observation data... -
Ocean Bio-geographic Information System
OBIS is a global open-access data and information clearing-house on marine biodiversity for science, conservation and sustainable development. -
IUCN Red list
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species contains global assessments for just over 88,000 species, of which about two-thirds have spatial data. This spatial data provided below... -
Species distribution
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international open data infrastructure, funded by governments.It allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types... -
Bird species distribution
BirdLife International maintains its own complete checklist of birds (taxonomic checklist of the world's bird species) because there are so many different global, regional,... -
Conservation status of habitat types and species (Article 17, Habitats...
Article 17 dataset The dataset contains tabular data as reported by Member States for the 2007-2012 period; this includes habitat areas, population sizes, trends, pressures and...