Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC)

The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre is a national source of information on biodiversity. The organisations main function is to supply the public with updated and accessible information on Norwegian species and ecosystems.

More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BFE_100 (

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث يونيو 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
أنشئت يونيو 23, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
Access constraints no limitations
Bbox east long 31.27
Bbox north lat 71.29
Bbox south lat 57.84
Bbox west long 4.35
Contact email
Dataset language nor
Guid BFE_100
Licence no conditions apply
Metadata date 2014-03-20
Metadata language eng
Resource type dataset
Responsible party The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC)
Responsible party role Principal Investigator
Spatial data type Polygon
Spatial harvester true
Topic category biota, environment, inlandWaters, oceans
harvest_object_id 4f5b68da-0b64-46b6-a63b-9f154d4b91ae
harvest_source_id 65f99de1-ecac-4e1d-9081-b5dcd8eedffd
harvest_source_title fip-mdb

Dataset extent