Mean monthly climate predictors for 2021-2023
البيانات و الموارد
معلومات إضافية
حقل | القيمة |
آخر تحديث | ديسمبر 3, 2024, 11:41 (UTC) |
أنشئت | نوفمبر 7, 2024, 12:48 (UTC) | | |
اللغة | Eng |
Title in original language | Mean monthly estimates of climate predictors in PONDERFUL ponds during 2021-2023 |
Original language | English |
Abstract | Monthly mean (arithmetic mean) derived from daily mean (1-hour sampling interval) which was computed as the arithmetic mean of the hourly values belonging to the same day. "Day" is defined as a function of the time zone UTC + 00:00 (i.e., the “day” starts from 00:00:00 in UTC + 00:00 time zone). Times are sampled starting from 00:00 in the selected time zone. Then extraction of the nearest cell daily value (i.e., nearest neighbour method) to each pond location (data source for pond location: PONDERFUL_PondID_20230601.csv) using the package stars in R. Variables sampled: Total precipitation 2m temperature 10m v-componet ofwind 10m u-componet ofwind Surface solar radiation downwards Mean sea level pressure |
الترخيص | Creative Commons Attribution |
Classification | Climatology |
Creation date | 2023-07-28 |
Publication date | 2024-11-07 |
Last revision date | 2023-07-28 |
Free keywords | climate; predictors |
Temporal start date | 2021-01-01 |
Temporal end date | 2023-12-31 |
Responsible party |
Organisation: Randbee Consultants
Email: Role: Processor |
Related publications | Raw data source: ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1950 to 2023 (including back extension). Product type: Reanalysis. Citation: Hersbach, H., Bell, B., Berrisford, P., Biavati, G., Horányi, A., Muñoz Sabater, J., Nicolas, J., Peubey, C., Radu, R., Rozum, I., Schepers, D., Simmons, A., Soci, C., Dee, D., Thépaut, J-N. (2023): ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS), DOI: 10.24381/cds.adbb2d47 (Accessed on 28-06-2023) |