Inside the Ria de Aveiro

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث سبتمبر 12, 2018, 08:22 (UTC)
أنشئت يوليو 19, 2018, 13:48 (UTC)
اللغة Eng
Title in original language A Ria por Dentro
Original language Portuguese
Abstract Video: Ria de Aveiro is an estuarine ecosystem that has a high biodiversity of invertebrates. Invertebrates are the basis of food for many of the birds and fish of the estuary, including species of high economic value. / Video: A Ria de Aveiro é um ecossistema estuarino que apresenta uma elevada biodiversidade de invertebrados. Os invertebrados são a base do alimento para muitas das aves e peixes da Ria e englobam espécies de elevado valor económico.
الترخيص CC-BY-NC-4.0
Classification Biota
Publication date 2024-03-17
INSPIRE theme Habitats and biotopes
Free keywords CS5, Aveiro, Natura 2000, Ria de Aveiro, Baixo Vouga Lagunar, Vouga Basin, Portugal, lagoon, video, fauna
Responsible party Organisation: UA-BioDiversity FilmeLab
Role: Point of Contact
Spatial extent - North 40.87
Spatial extent - South 40.48
Spatial extent - East -8.45
Spatial extent - West -8.86

Dataset extent