Bringing together harmonized EUNIS seabed habitat geospatial information for the European Seas
البيانات و الموارد
معلومات إضافية
حقل | القيمة |
آخر تحديث | يوليو 31, 2018, 13:25 (UTC) |
أنشئت | يوليو 31, 2018, 12:57 (UTC) | | |
اللغة | Eng |
Abstract | EUNIS-compliant polygon shapefile representing predictive broadscale seabed habitats for European Union waters in the Northeast Atlantic and adjacent Seas. This dataset was produced by Fernando Tempera at the European Commission Joint Research Center (JRC) in preparation of a seabed-related Marine Ecosystem Services mapping exercise conducted in the scope of the SEACOAST Action (ID: 1081). It was created using geospatial information sourced from the EMODNET Seabed Habitats portal, the UNEP/GRIDA Global Seafloor Geomorphic Features Map and the EEA EIONET Ecosystem Map (v2.1). Seabed habitats classes follow the EUNIS classification system (version 2007-11), including both intertidal and permanently-submerged habitats. For more details about the methodology see Tempera, F. (2015). This new dataset significantly improves the existing EUNIS-compliant coverage by (i) populating the deep-sea and offshore areas with previously disregarded geomorphic-based habitat classes and by (ii) adding information for EUNIS classes A1, A2, X1 and X2/X3. |
Resource type | Spatial dataset |
Spatial representation type | vector |
الترخيص | none |
Classification | Oceans |
INSPIRE theme | Oceanographic geographical features |
Free keywords | habitats |
Lineage | Fernando Tempera (EC JRC) based on data from EMODNET Seabed Habitats, UNEP's Global Seafloor Geomorphic Features Map (GSGFM) and the EEA EIONET Ecosystem Map. --> EUNIS habitats at the finest level available for the CS8. This was directly derived from the Tempera work available at |
Responsible party | Organisation: Ecologic Institute |
Spatial extent - North | 40.62 |
Spatial extent - South | 36.02 |
Spatial extent - East | -23.89 |
Spatial extent - West | -32.44 |