Bathymetric Model of Ria de Aveiro

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث سبتمبر 12, 2018, 10:50 (UTC)
أنشئت سبتمبر 5, 2017, 12:48 (UTC)
اللغة Eng
Abstract This theme contains a grid with 100 meters, built on survey information from the hydrographic surveying in ria de Aveiro. Full coverage of the area was raised using the multibeam system (SMF) and single beam (FS). / Este tema contém uma malha com 100 metros, construída com base em informação de sondagem proveniente dos levantamentos hidrográficos realizados na ria de Aveiro. A cobertura total da zona foi levantada com recurso ao sistema multifeixe (SMF) e de feixe simples (FS).
Resource type Spatial dataset
Spatial representation type vector
الترخيص CC-BY-NC-4.0
Classification Elevation
Creation date 2013-02-07
Publication date 2013-02-07
Last revision date 2013-02-07
INSPIRE theme Elevation
Free keywords CS5, Aveiro, Natura 2000, Ria de Aveiro, Baixo Vouga Lagunar, Vouga Basin, Portugal, batimetria
Lineage This theme was created by the Hydrographic Division. The available information was generated through an interpolation model for a grid of 100 meters, based on sounding.
Responsible party Organisation: Portuguese Hydrographic Institute (IHPT)
Role: Point of Contact
Limitations on public use This data does not replace Nautical Charts (NCs); should not be used for navigation; are not corrected for Notices to Mariners. These data (for free download) are unofficial. These data cannot be used for commercial purposes, only for personal use and/or personal research. If they are used in the production of scientific papers or publications, the source should be mentioned.
Spatial extent - North 40.860535
Spatial extent - South 40.484679
Spatial extent - East -8.608425
Spatial extent - West -8.855406

Dataset extent