Fauna Iberica
This database is available at: http://www.fauna-iberica.mncn.csic.es/english/proyecto/index.php The objective of the Iberian Fauna Project is to carry out all types of... -
Taxa Watermanagement the Netherlands
The Taxa Watermanagement the Netherlands (Nl: Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland) is available on-line at; http://www.idsw.nl/aquo-standaard/aquo-domeintabellen/taxa-... -
FaunaItalia - Checklist of the species of the Italian fauna
Taxalists available at: http://www.faunaitalia.it/checklist/. A complete checklist of the whole Italian fauna, over 57,400 species online. The checklist covers both Protozoa,... -
Swiss Cartographic Centre on Fauna - Species lists
Distribution maps of a part of the swiss species are available on a cartoserver at: http://www.cscf.ch/ Taxalists available at: http://www.cscf.ch/page13637_en.html In order to...
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