Ecosystem services sustainability in the Mediterranean Sea: assessment of...
An application of biophysical and ecosystem modelling approaches to assess spatially and temporally the sustainable use and supply of selected marine ecosystem services. -
Biodiversity analysis in the digital era
Harnessing advances in ‘Big Data’ biodiversity informatics and e-research infrastructure to enable a deeper understanding of biodiversity evolution and dynamics in a rapidly... -
Biodiversity and ecosystem services require IPBES to take novel approach to scenarios
Presenting and comparing three alternative scenario strategies that IPBES could use, and suggesting a bottom-up, cross-scale scenario strategy to improve the policy relevance of... -
The Transition of EU Water Policy Towards the Water Framework Directive’s...
A review on the transition of EU policies that led to the adoption of the WFD, to identify the reasons why the Directive was introduced and what it is trying to deliver, and to... -
Recurrent Governance Challenges in the Implementation and Alignment of Flood...
Potential processes and mechanisms for coordinating the activities and capacities of actors that are involved on different levels and in different sectors of flood risk... -
Should the ecosystem services concept be used in European Commission impact...
Discussing the potential value of integrating the ecosystem services (ESS) concept for improving the consideration of environmental benefits and values during framing and... -
Overview of Integrative Assessment of Marine Systems: The Ecosystem Approach...
A review of existing methods that address integrative assessment and innovative monitoring needs to evaluate the health status of marine ecosystems. -
Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable...
A specific, quantitative interpretation of the concepts of GES and sustainable use in terms of indicators and associated targets (MSFD), by sharply distinguishing between... -
Benefit relevant indicators: Ecosystem services measures that link...
A new type of indicator that explicitly reflects an ecosystem’s capacity to provide benefits to society, ensuring that ecosystem service assessments measure outcomes that are... -
Progress with monitoring and assessment in the WFD implementation in five...
Implementation challenges faced by five European RBDs during the development and implementation of the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) of 2009 (WFD implementation). -
Opportunities and Barriers for Water Co-Governance—A Critical Analysis of...
An analytical framework for assessing opportunities and barriers of co-governance, defined as collaborative societal involvement in the functions of government, and its... -
A stakeholder-based assessment of barriers to climate change adaptation in a...
A stakeholder-based assessment of barriers to the adoption of climate adaptation options for irrigation in the Guadiana basin, one of Spain’s most climate-vulnerable basins. -
The Deposition and Accumulation of Microplastics in Marine Sediments and...
The first record of plastic contamination, in the 5 mm–250 μm size range, of Irish continental shelf sediments. -
Improving agricultural pollution abatement through result-based payment schemes
A result-based payment scheme for nonpoint-source pollution abatement from arable land (case study in southern Sweden). -
Matching Ecosystem Functions with Adaptive Ecosystem Management: Decision...
A case study approach assessing management interventions to illustrate how collective strategic decisions can be made to manage a valued ecosystem situated within an urban matrix. -
An operational framework for integrated Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems...
An operational framework that builds on existing work done by the European Commission’s MAES Working Group and provides a clear nine-step approach including the identification... -
The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services
Identifying the effects that small magnitude frequently occurring floods and extreme floods have on ten aquatic ecosystem services through a systematic literature review. -
Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases
A synthesis of existing knowledge and a conceptual framework for analysing interregional ecosystem service flows, the characteristics of sending and receiving socio-ecological... -
Ecosystem Services (ES)
This dataset contains Ecosystem Services (ES), presented as spatially explicit indicators, representing the capacity of provision in the CS2. Specifically we offer 15 different... -
Linkage matrix of marine ecosystem services and ecosystem components, Version 1.0
A dataset of marine biodiversity-ecosystem service linkages archived at http://datacat.liverpool.ac.uk/id/eprint/496 and associated to the original publication at...
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