NIVA macrophytes HYMO
Norwegian lakes with different hydromorphological pressures. Macrophytes samples by NIVA in different projects with different goals. More information on this dataset can be... -
Natura 2000 data - the European network of protected sites
Natura 2000 is the key instrument to protect biodiversity in the European Union. It is an ecological network of protected areas, set up to ensure the survival of Europe's most... -
Esthwaite Water
Phytoplankton community composition data from Esthwaite Water collected fortnightly. Data from 1989 onwards, held in Oracle. More information on this dataset can be found in the... -
Shelled Gastropoda of Western Europe
The database contains information about 270 shelled Gastropoda (both native and alien). Information is avaialble in 4 data-files: macrohabitat preference, microsites features,... -
Fish Database of European Streams
The aim of the FAME-project ("Development, Evaluation and Implementation of a standardised Fish-based Assessment Method for the Ecological Status of European Rivers") was... -
Rotifers of Macquarie Island
Thirty-nine species (31 Monogononta and 8 Bdelloidea) are described from Macquarie Island. Thirty-eight of these are new records for the island. Included in the data are the... -
Ephemeroptera of Ireland
A complete database for the Ephemeroptera of Ireland. More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF_GBIF_5... -
Global Caridean Shrimp Fauna
The dataset consists of all geographical records of freshwater shrimps, prior to 2013. Records have various levels of accuracy. More information on this dataset can be found in... -
Critical Site Network Tool
The Critical Site Network (CSN) Tool is an online resource for the conservation of 294 species of waterbirds and the important sites upon which they depend in Africa and Western... -
Fauna Iberica
This database is available at: http://www.fauna-iberica.mncn.csic.es/english/proyecto/index.php The objective of the Iberian Fauna Project is to carry out all types of... -
Middle Elbe - Vegetation
More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - UFO_14 (http://www.freshwatermetadata.eu/metadb/bf_mdb_view.php?entryID=UFO_14). -
REBECCA Lakes fish
Catch per unit effort data of freshwater fish from stratified sampling using Nordic multi-mesh gillnets during EU FP7 project REBECCA. More information on this dataset can be... -
Freshwater Fishes of Russia and Adjacent Countries
20,000 geo-referenced distribution data of freshwater fishes of Russia and adjacent countries More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase -... -
Pinios catchment (Greece)
This database contains climatic, hydrologic, water quality and biological data for the river catchment of Pinios in Thessaly Greece, that were compiled during the European FP7... -
The database contains the most comprehensive information on macroscopic benthic invertebrates and one of the most comprehensive information on fish in rivers and lakes of... -
Passive restorations of mid-sized mountain rivers
Investigations of restored and degraded sections of the rivers Brรถl, Eder, Nims and Orke, Hesse, Germany More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater... -
Thames catchment (United Kingdom)
This database contains climatic, hydrologic, water quality and biological data for the Thames catchments and some of its main tributary in the UK. They were compiled during the... -
Phytoplankton from Hungarian lakes (WFD Intercalibration)
This dataset origins from the WFD Intercalibration excercise and contains Phytoplankton data from Hungarian lakes. More information on this dataset can be found in the... -
Welsh catchments (Wales, UK)
This dataset contains information about 128 river catchments placed in Wales, compiled over 30 years through different research projects. The majority of these catchments were... -
Taxa Watermanagement the Netherlands
The Taxa Watermanagement the Netherlands (Nl: Taxa Waterbeheer Nederland) is available on-line at; http://www.idsw.nl/aquo-standaard/aquo-domeintabellen/taxa-...
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