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فلترة النتائج
  • OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2009

    ICES produced fishing abrasion pressure maps using the data provided by nine OSPAR Contracting Parties. Separate maps were produced for surface abrasion and subsurface abrasion.
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee - Northern Ireland Otter Survey Database

    As part of a scheme to monitor the distribution of otters throughout the UK, two otter surveys in Northern Ireland have been carried out covering the years 1980-81 (funded by...
  • Fischerhuder Wuemmeniederung

    efficiency controll of a restoration project (finished 2004): innerdelta with important flooded wetlands (grassland). aim: increase of groundwater level, increase of flooding;...
  • Littoral Macroinvertebrate data from Irish lakes

    Littoral Macroinvertebrate data from Irish lake for research purposes and ecological assessment. Data were collected by Dr Ruth Little and Dr Gary Free under a research project...
  • EPA River Biologists data

    Data collected as part of the river monitoring programme undertaken by the Environmental Protection Agency in Ireland. More information on this dataset can be found in the...
  • USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database

    The database has been established as a central repository for spatially referenced biogeographic accounts of introduced aquatic species. The program provides scientific reports,...
  • Catalan Water Agency-SIX database

    Dataset of the Catalan Water Agency (Agència Catalana de l'Aigua) covering control networks in Catalan water bodies (rivers, lakes, wetlands, reservoirs, coastal and...
  • freshwaterecology.info

    The freshwaterecology.info database contains ecological characteristics and distribution patterns of more than 12.000 European freshwater organisms belonging to fish, macro-...
  • Vortsjarv catchment (Estonia)

    Monitoring data from streams on Lake Vortsjarv catchment area dating back 1996. Measured parameters include hydrochemistry,fishes, macrozoobenthos, macrophytes, benthic diatoms,...
  • Restoration measures Eifel-Rur area

    Investigations of restored and degraded sections of the rivers Inde, Rur, Wurm More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - UFO_18...
  • FishBase

    FishBase More information on this dataset can be found in the Freshwater Metadatabase - BF4 (http://www.freshwatermetadata.eu/metadb/bf_mdb_view.php?entryID=BF4).
  • Monitoring data from the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany)

    The dataset consists of occurrence data of the aquatic organism groups fish, macroinvertebrates and macrophytes that were sampled in the German federal state Rhineland-...
  • Diatom and Non-diatom (Soft-algae) Taxa Names

    Sets of names used for analysis of algal samples in the USGS NAWQA, EPA NARS, and ANSP projects A common set of names is important for maximizing taxonomic consistency among...

    To assess lake ecological status using a phytobenthos diatom metric based on a revised Trophic Diatom Index - for WFD purposes. More information on this dataset can be found in...
  • World Lake Database

    ILEC’s (International Lake Environment Committee Foundation) World Lake Database available at http://wldb.ilec.or.jp/ Since the International Lake Environment Committee...
  • Hase-Aue

    Restoration of the floodplain of small river (Tieflandfluss) (450 ha, 7 km length) (restoration measures: purchase of land, destruction of embankment (initializing) and flood...
  • Lake fish data: Switzerland, France, Italy

    The core database is the result of systematically surveying fish communities using gillnetting, electrofishing and hydroacoustics in more than 20 large lakes in Switzerland,...

    Data from the paper: Jones, Kate E., Jon Bielby, Marcel Cardillo, Susanne A. Fritz, Justin O'Dell, C. David L. Orme, Kamran Safi, Wes Sechrest, Elizabeth H. Boakes, Chris...
  • UK lake fish

    Fish community composition data from survey gill netting at lakes in England, Scotland and Wales. Exists as a number of discrete Excel files from a range of earlier projects....
  • Odonata Database of Africa

    Point locality database of dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of continental Africa. Database of the IUCN SSC Dragonfly Specialist Group. Covers continental Africa including...
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