Database of best practice for pondscape NbS for CC adaptation and mitigation

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث ديسمبر 2, 2024, 12:14 (UTC)
أنشئت نوفمبر 29, 2022, 16:03 (UTC)
اللغة Eng
Title in original language Database of best practice for pondscape NbS for CC adaptation and mitigation
Original language English
Abstract We built an inventory (database) of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) actions (creation, restoration, and management) in ponds and pondscapes (ponds at the landscape scale) in a diversity of social-ecological settings to assess the best practices. We formulated an online questionnaire that was shared with pond stakeholders. The questionnaire asked general (e.g., number of ponds, area of the pondscape, etc.) and specific (e.g., costs of the action, stakeholders involved, etc.) information on the NbS action implemented, and on 11 associated Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs). Among the NCPs we included, for instance, habitat creation for biodiversity, regulation of climate, learning or physical and physiological experiences. The database contains information gathered through the questionnaire, research papers and relevant web pages and platforms.
الترخيص CC-BY-4.0
Creation date 2022-11-29
Publication date 2022-11-29
Last revision date 2023-11-08
Free keywords Pond, pondscape, Nature-based Solutions, Nature’s Contributions to People, Creation, Restoration, Management
Vocabulary date 2022-11-29
Lineage We used three different approaches to obtain information on NbS actions implemented in ponds/pondscapes and the associated NCPs mainly focusing on Europe and Uruguay: 1) the search of information in research papers; 2) the search of information on web pages such as,,,; and 3) the development of a user-friendly online questionnaire on NbS implemented in ponds/pondscapes and associated NCPs, which was shared in the form of a survey through the platform Survey Monkey with PONDERFUL members and pond Stakeholders. We requested permissions from the respondents to make the data available.
Responsible party Organisation: University of Vic (UVic-UCC)
Role: Point of Contact
Responsible party Organisation: University of Vic (UVic-UCC)
Role: Point of Contact
Related publications Bartrons, M., Trochine, C., Blicharska, M., Oertli, B., Lago, M., & Brucet, S. (2023). Database of best practice for pondscape NbS for CC adaptation and mitigation [Data set]. Zenodo