Unnamed resource
Dataset description:
This database contains information on macroinvertebrates and environmental characteristics of several sampling sites from the Barcelona province collected during a long-term period. More...
Source: ECOSTRIMED database
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Informasi Tambahan
Field | Nilai |
Data last updated | unknown |
Metadata last updated | 23 Juni 2017 |
Dibuat | unknown |
Format | unknown |
Lisensi | No License Provided |
Dibuat | 8 tahun yang lalu |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | False |
Id | c0e98473-b391-441c-a484-a9fea4e8e16c |
Package id | 8cae1ab2-a899-4b6e-abd5-c00589357f9c |
Position | 0 |
State | active |