Synthesis of the analysis of the EU policies Table 2
The database includes a table that synthesizes the analysis of EU policies. -
Synthesis of the analysis of the EU policies Table 1
The database includes a table that synthesizes the analysis of EU policies. -
Belgium Tommelen Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Belgium, Tommelen. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and... -
Belgium Pikhakendonk Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified financial workflow for Belgium, Pikhakendon. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits,... -
Belgium Getevallei Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Belgium, Getevallei. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and... -
Denmark Fyn Islands Simple Finace Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Denmark, Fyn Islands. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and... -
Spain La Albera Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Spain, La Albera. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and... -
Switzerland Geneva Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Switzerland, Geneva. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and... -
Switzerland Rhone de Verbois Simple Finance WorkFlow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Switzerland, Rhone de Verbois. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and... -
UK Water Friendly Farming Simple Finance WorkFlow
The dataset contains a simplified financial workflow for UK, Water Friendly Farming. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, costs, and instruments for funding,... -
Turkey Imrahor River Valley Simple Finance WorkFlow
The dataset contains a simplified financial workflow for Turkey, Imrahor River Valley. It details the current pondscape NbS situation and the average cost of NbS actions from EU... -
Ponderful results of questionnaires stakeholders
The database contains results from questionnaires related to Ponderful collected from the stakeholders. -
Ponderful results from survey questionnaires inhabitants
The database contains results from survey questionnaires related to Ponderful collected from the inhabitants. -
Stakeholders' benefit preferences survey
The current dataset contains the responses to a survey that was administered at the Demo-site level within the PONDERFUL project. Stakeholders participating in the first... -
PUD Distance
Spatial Analysis of distance of photography from rivers and lakes within the Lough Erne catchment. Locations of photography are compared to random points. -
Species richness Ringsjon
Species richness of macroinvertebrates and macrophytes in lake Ringsjon. Macrophyte abundance of in total 19 species measured in presence/absence in 72 transects along the banks... -
CS7 Data Land Use Overview Swiss Plateau
Summary table of land use on the Swiss Plateau. Data from the Swiss Statistical Office, see data set "CS7 Data Land Use" -
Runoff and waterflow data for the Vouga basin
Runoff and waterflow data compiled from the Portuguese Information System of Water Resourses (SNIRH - Sistema Nacional de Informação de Recursos Hídricos) for the Vouga basin. /... -
PUD_visitor model
Model of recreational visitation compared to Photography User Days (PUD) for Northern Ireland- -
AQUACROSS Stakeholder Register
The AQUACROSS stakeholder register used by WP1.
You can also access this registry using the API (see Dokumentasi API).