OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2012
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
IA2017 Seabed Litter - Relative number of litter items per square km
Intermediate Assessment 2017 - Seabed Litter Assessment Product - Monitoring of seafloor litter on the back of existing fish stock assessments. -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2013
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2014
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Offshore Renewable Energy Developments - 2015
Details of the location and status of offshore renewable energy developments in the OSPAR region -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2015
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2014
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2014
ICES Advice Request: OSPAR request on mapping of bottom fishing intensity using VMS data. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2014
ICES Advice Request: OSPAR request on mapping of bottom fishing intensity using VMS data. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2013
ICES advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2013
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2012
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2012
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2011
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2011
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2010
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2010
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2009
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2009
ICES produced fishing abrasion pressure maps using the data provided by nine OSPAR Contracting Parties. Separate maps were produced for surface abrasion and subsurface abrasion.
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