Activity Stream
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
A Methodology for Adaptable and Robust Ecosystem Services Assessment
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
A Methodology for Adaptable and Robust Ecosystem Services Assessment
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Current Status and Future Prospects for the Assessment of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services: A Systematic Review
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Current Status and Future Prospects for the Assessment of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services: A Systematic Review
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
Current Status and Future Prospects for the Assessment of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services: A Systematic Review
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Variability in the Carbon Storage of Seagrass Habitats and Its Implications for Global Estimates of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Service
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Variability in the Carbon Storage of Seagrass Habitats and Its Implications for Global Estimates of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Service
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
Variability in the Carbon Storage of Seagrass Habitats and Its Implications for Global Estimates of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Service
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
The EBM-DPSER Conceptual Model: Integrating Ecosystem Services into the DPSIR Framework
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Human footprint in the abyss: 30 year records of deep-sea plastic debris
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Development of an integrated methodology for the sustainable environmental and socio-economic management of river ecosystems
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Developing European operational oceanography for Blue Growth, climate change adaptation and mitigation, and ecosystem-based management
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Ocean forecasting for the German Bight: from regional to coastal scales
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
deleted the adathalmaz
Food, money and lobsters: Valuing ecosystem services to align environmental management with Sustainable Development Goals
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The conceptual foundation of environmental decision support
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The conceptual foundation of environmental decision support
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
The conceptual foundation of environmental decision support
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world’s ocean
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world’s ocean
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world’s ocean
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
Sustainable development and the water–energy–food nexus: A perspective on livelihoods
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the ecosystem-based approach – pitfalls and solutions
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
updated the adathalmaz
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the ecosystem-based approach – pitfalls and solutions
6 évvel ezelőtt -
Marta Arenas
created the adathalmaz
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the ecosystem-based approach – pitfalls and solutions
6 évvel ezelőtt