Copernicus Africa100m Land Cover Version 1

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Mező Érték
Last Updated november 10, 2017, 11:07 (UTC)
Created november 10, 2017, 08:30 (UTC)
Language Eng
Title in original language Copernicus Africa100m Land Cover Version 1
Original language English
Abstract Land Cover and Land Cover change information is used by resource managers, policy makers and scientists studying the global carbon cycle, biodiversity loss and land degradation. Global land cover maps provide a synoptic overview and broad stratification of land cover over large areas. Therefore the Land Cover product is used for a broad range of applications: deforestation desertification urbanization land degradation loss of biodiversity and ecosystem functions water resource management agriculture and food security urban and regional development climate change
Resource type Spatial dataset
Spatial representation type grid
Licenc CC-BY-4.0
Classification Environment
INSPIRE theme Land cover
Free keywords land cover, land use, africa, habtiats
Temporal date 2015-11-01
Lineage The discrete and proportion maps of the Land Cover 100m version 1 products were assessed quantitatively and qualitatively. The discrete map was compared visually to other global land cover maps from the Land Cover activity of ESA's Climate Change Initiative (LC-CCI for year 2015) and by the National Geomatics Centre of China (GlobeLand30), showing improvements in Global Land's map over the other two. The discrete and proportion maps were further assessed using a statistical reference dataset with 3343 sample sites. For more information please access:
Responsible party Copernicus
Responsible party email
Responsible party role Publisher
Projections WGS 84 -- EPSG-4326
Spatial extent - North 36.97
Spatial extent - South 34.8
Spatial extent - East -4.68
Spatial extent - West -5.84

Dataset extent