To born in Ria de Aveiro
Data and Resources
Additional Info
Mező | Érték |
Last Updated | szeptember 12, 2018, 08:20 (UTC) |
Created | július 19, 2018, 11:27 (UTC) | | |
Language | Eng |
Title in original language | Nascer na Ria |
Original language | Portuguese |
Abstract | Video: There is a high biodiversity of protected birds that breed in the Ria de Aveiro. Let us know when they arrive, how and where nests are built, how the puppies are, what dangers they run and other very curious behavioral aspects / Video: A Andorinha-do-mar-anã, o Pernalonga e a Garça-vermelha são aves protegidas que se reproduzem na Ria de Aveiro. Vamos saber quando chegam, como e onde são construídos os ninhos, como são os filhotes, que perigos correm e outros aspetos comportamentais bem curiosos... |
Licenc | CC-BY-NC-4.0 |
Classification | Biota |
Publication date | 2024-03-17 |
INSPIRE theme | Habitats and biotopes |
Free keywords | CS5, Aveiro, Natura 2000, Ria de Aveiro, Baixo Vouga Lagunar, Vouga Basin, Portugal, lagoon, video, avifauna |
Responsible party |
Organisation: UA-BioDiversity FilmeLab
Email: Role: Point of Contact |
Spatial extent - North | 40.87 |
Spatial extent - South | 40.48 |
Spatial extent - East | -8.45 |
Spatial extent - West | -8.86 |