Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems

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Mező Érték
Last Updated szeptember 10, 2018, 13:44 (UTC)
Created július 26, 2018, 10:27 (UTC)
E-mail marta.arenas@imdea.org
Language Eng
Original language English
Abstract A specific, quantitative interpretation of the concepts of GES and sustainable use in terms of indicators and associated targets (MSFD), by sharply distinguishing between current uses to satisfy current societal needs and preferences, and unknown future uses.
Licenc CC-BY-4.0
Classification Oceans
Free keywords Good environmental status, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Sustainable use, Assessment, Ecological indicators
Responsible party Organisation: Elsevier
Role: Publisher
Related publications Rossberg Axel G., Laura Uusitalo, Torsten Berg, Anastasija Zaiko, Anne Chenuil, María C. Uyarra, Angel Borja, and Christopher P. Lynam (2017). "Quantitative criteria for choosing targets and indicators for sustainable use of ecosystems." Ecological indicators 72: 215-224.