Unnamed resource
URL: https://data.nbn.org.uk/Datasets/GA000174
Dataset description:
A collated information source on the distribution of all freshwater and estuarine fish species for Britain. The data are derived from a variety of sources and as such were collected by...
Source: Biological Records Centre - Database for the Atlas of Freshwater Fishes
Il n'y a encore aucune visualisation créée pour cette ressource
Informations additionnelles
Champ | Valeur |
Dernière modification de la donnée | inconnu |
Dernière modification de la métadonnée | 23 juin 2017 |
Créé le | inconnu |
Format | inconnu |
Licence | Aucune licence fournie |
Créé le | il y a 8 ans |
Datastore active | False |
Datastore contains all records of source file | False |
Has views | False |
Id | a13464c3-d7a9-45c6-b852-7261672d880e |
Package id | ded59fc0-9503-4fd1-90b4-4619bd05b9a4 |
Position | 0 |
State | active |