Vanghele channel
The Vanghele channel, nearby its intersection with Dunavăț channel (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in June 27, 2017. -
Temporary ponds - Gura Portitei
Image with temporary ponds (with saline waters) from Gura Portiței area (western coast of Black Sea, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic fauna in... -
Gura Portitei channel
Image with the shore of the channel from Gura Portiței tourist resort area (western coast of Black Sea, Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic fauna... -
Lake Leahova Mica (DDBR)
Image with the shore of the south-eastern part of Lake Leahova Mica (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in June 27, 2017. -
Periteasca channel (DDBR)
Image with the western end (from Lake Razim) of Periteasca channel (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in June 27, 2017. -
Dranov channel (DDBR)
Image with the western end (from Lake Razim) of Dranov channel (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in June 27, 2017. -
Black Sea shore at Perisor
Image with the shore of Black Sea at the former Perișor fishery (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania). -
Perisor channel (DDBR)
Image with the shore of the south-eastern end of Perișor channel (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania). -
Tulcea branch upstream Vladimirescu (DDBR)
Image with the left shore of the Danube (Tulcea branch), upstream of Tudor Vladimirescu village (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in... -
Tulcea branch downstream Patlageanca (DDBR)
Image with the left shore of the Danube (Tulcea branch), downstream of Pătlăgenca village (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28... -
Chilia branch at Patlageanca (DDBR)
Image with the right shore of the Danube (Chilia branch), at Pătlăgenca village (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Chilia branch upstream of Salceni (DDBR)
Image with the right shore of the Danube (Chilia branch), upstream of Sălceni locality (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI.... -
Chilia branch at Ceatalchioi (DDBR)
Image with the right shore of the Danube (Chilia branch), at Ceatalchioi locality (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Chilia branch at Pardina (DDBR)
Image with the shore of Chilia branch at Pardina locality (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Channel at Babina island - East (DDBR)
Image with the channel from the Eastern part of Babina island (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Outlet of channel from Babina island - East (DDBR)
Image with the outlet to Babina branch of the channel from the Eastern part of Babina island (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28... -
Chilia branch at Periprava (DDBR)
Image of the right shore of Chilia branch, at Periprava village (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Tatarului branch at Tatanir (DDBR)
Image with the shore of Tatarului branch (secondary branch of Chilia branch) at Tatanir locality (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates... -
Channel at Pardina gate (DDBR)
Image with the shore channel between Chilia branch and Pardina gate (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017. -
Tataru channel at Chilia Veche (DDBR)
Image of Tătaru channel at Chilia Veche locality (Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve, Romania), checked out for aquatic vertebrates in 28 VI. 2017.
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