An operational framework for integrated Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems...
An operational framework that builds on existing work done by the European Commission’s MAES Working Group and provides a clear nine-step approach including the identification... -
The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services
Identifying the effects that small magnitude frequently occurring floods and extreme floods have on ten aquatic ecosystem services through a systematic literature review. -
Interregional flows of ecosystem services: Concepts, typology and four cases
A synthesis of existing knowledge and a conceptual framework for analysing interregional ecosystem service flows, the characteristics of sending and receiving socio-ecological... -
Ecosystem Services (ES)
This dataset contains Ecosystem Services (ES), presented as spatially explicit indicators, representing the capacity of provision in the CS2. Specifically we offer 15 different... -
Green and Blue lnfrastructure (GBl). Frequency of selection: baseline and...
This dataset contains the frequency of selection of different planning units after 100 runs in Marxan with Zones (Watts et al., 2009) to identify two different Green and Blue... -
Ecosystem condition
Following Maes et al. (2018), ecosystem condition was quantified in the CS2 area considering three different classes of conservation status: ‘Favourable’, ‘Unfavourable-... -
Human footprint index (HFI)
Human footprint index (HFI) expressing the relative presence of human influence in the marine and terrestrial section of the Intercontinental Biosphere reserve of the... -
Aggregated probability of occurrence of aquatic species per planning unit
Species data available in the CS2 area are scarce and mostly based on presence-only data (lacking reliable information on true absences). This dataset contains the results of... -
Green and Blue lnfrastructure (GBl). Best solution: baseline and EBM scenarios
This dataset contains the best solutions obtained from applying a systematic spatial planning tool (Marxan with Zones; Watts et al., 2009) to identify two different Green and... -
Planning units for the analysis of aquatic ecosystems in the International...
Spatial planning units (PU) in the CS2. PUs are the basic spatial units on which based a reserve spatial planning. The IBRM and its Area of Influence cover three aquatic realms:... -
List of targeted species included in the species distribution assessment
Endangered species (critically endangered -CR-, endangered -EN-, vulnerable -VU-, least concern -LC-; IUCN 2018) of aquatic ecosystems in the CS2. Endangered species at the... -
1st Lough Erne Workshop Poster
Poster for the 1st Lough Erne Aquacross workshop -
Agriculture and Riparian Habitats in Lough Erne
Photograph of the banks of Lough Erne showing riparian habitats -
Map of the Rönne å catchment in Skåne
This map shows five major land uses in the Rönne å catchment, municipality borders and the boundaries from two water councils currently being responsible to coordinate measures... -
CS7 Data Land Use
Data base of land use in Switzerland. Access under the conditions of the Federal Statistical Office of Switzerland. -
CS7 Data Delineation of the Swiss Plateau
Delineation of the Swiss Plateau and illustration of its location and three test areas. -
CS7 Data Biodiversity (various data sets)
Available geodata at the Federal Office of the Environment on the topic of biodiversity. Access under the conditions of the Federal Office of the Environment of Switzerland. -
CS7 Web Map with Geodata of Switzerland
Map with geodata of Switzerland -
CS7 Docu of Swiss Surface Water Assessment Procedures
Detailed description of the ecological assessment procedures for surface waters in Switzerland. -
CS7 Data Hydrological Data
Access point for hydrological data in Switzerland. Access under the conditions of the Federal Office of the Environment of Switzerland.
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