Biodiversity scenarios
Guiding reference: estimates of biodiversity change as projected for the 21st century and their plausibility, to provide decision makers with messages that reflect the consensus... -
Conceptual frameworks
Guiding reference: helping operationalising conceptual frameworks to be meaningful for the different place-based studies. -
Social–ecological systems analysis
Guiding reference: helping analysis of social-ecological systems to guide longer term actions for the conservation of biodiversity. -
Assessment of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services
Guiding reference: helping to bridge the knowledge gap for the Assessment of Marine and Coastal Ecosystem Services. -
A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from...
Assessing criteria to measure network performance and design against conservation targets, applied to seafloor mineral exploitation scenarios. -
Integrating ecosystem services in river basin management plans
A flexible methodological framework based on a combination of CEA and CBA that can be easily adapted to different case studies, applied to WFD objectives achievement.
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