NCPs in ponds and pondscapes from DEMO-sites - Metadata
This technical handbook provides practical advice on the protection, management, restoration and creation of ponds and pondscapes to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate... -
Policy guidance document on ponds
This guide, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, provides policy makers with the tools to design effective plans for... -
Spatial Database of Pondscapes (metadata)
Compiled spatial database for pondscapes obtained from PONDERFUL partner countries containing spatial data and attributes of the ponds. The spatial distribution of the... -
Pan-European database of pond biodiversity (metadata)
The integrated Pan-European pond database has been compiled from multiple published and unpublished datasets that have been collected by several research teams over the period... -
PONDERFUL Decision Support Tool
This tool is designed to assist decision-makers in understanding the benefits of ponds for biodiversity and climate change adaptation/mitigation, helping them to understand the... -
Mean monthly climate predictors for 2021-2023
Monthly mean (arithmetic mean) derived from daily mean (1-hour sampling interval) which was computed as the arithmetic mean of the hourly values belonging to the same day. "Day"... -
Mean monthly temperature 2011-2021
Data processing: Monthly mean of the daily mean (1-hour sampling interval); computed as the arithmetic mean of the values belonging to the same day. "Day" is defined as a... -
Current and projected Land use maps at 10 m for Belgium
Under various scenarios, land use changes in Belgium are simulated at 10-meter resolution. Three SSP-RCP scenarios were used to model the land use trends in the present (2020)... -
Current and projected Land use maps at 100 m for Belgium
Under various scenarios, land use changes in Belgium are simulated at 100-meter resolution. Three SSP-RCP scenarios were used to model the land use trends in the present (2018)... -
Delivarable 1.5. Socio-economic analysis of ponds and pondscapes.
The aim of Deliverable 1.5 is to describe the methods of the socio-economic analysis that was conducted within Task 1.6 of the project, as well as its outcomes. We successfully... -
Climate predictors - 40-year average (1979-2018)
Statistics computed for the 40-year climatology (1979-2018): Mean, 25th and 75th quartiles Variables: Temperature annual mean, BIO01 - Annual mean of the monthly mean... -
Database of best practice for pondscape NbS for CC adaptation and mitigation
We built an inventory (database) of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) actions (creation, restoration, and management) in ponds and pondscapes (ponds at the landscape scale) in a... -
PONDERFUL Policy briefing notes
These four policy briefing notes, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, summarise some of the project’s key findings... -
PONDERFUL Summary Information posters
These five digital information posters, created by the EU Horizon 2020 funded PONDERFUL project, which ran from December 2020 to 2024, summarise some of the project’s key... -
Synthesis of the analysis of the EU policies Table 2
The database includes a table that synthesizes the analysis of EU policies. -
Synthesis of the analysis of the EU policies Table 1
The database includes a table that synthesizes the analysis of EU policies. -
List of policies assessed for the DEMO-site analysis
List of policies assessed for the DEMO-site analysis in Ponderful, including the country/region, the pondscape, and the assessed policies. -
List of policies assessed for the EU analysis
List of policies assessed for the EU analysis in Ponderful, describing the policy area, the year, and If there are binding agreements. -
Belgium Tommelen Simple Finance Workflow
The dataset contains a simplified finance workflow for Belgium, Tommelen. It details the current pondscape NbS situation, future scenarios, associated costs and benefits, and...
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