IUCN Red list
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species contains global assessments for just over 88,000 species, of which about two-thirds have spatial data. This spatial data provided below... -
Species distribution
The Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) is an international open data infrastructure, funded by governments.It allows anyone, anywhere to access data about all types... -
Bird species distribution
BirdLife International maintains its own complete checklist of birds (taxonomic checklist of the world's bird species) because there are so many different global, regional,... -
Conservation status of habitat types and species (Article 17, Habitats...
Article 17 dataset The dataset contains tabular data as reported by Member States for the 2007-2012 period; this includes habitat areas, population sizes, trends, pressures and... -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2015
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise 2014
OSPAR Impulsive Underwater Noise -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2014
ICES Advice Request: OSPAR request on mapping of bottom fishing intensity using VMS data. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2014
ICES Advice Request: OSPAR request on mapping of bottom fishing intensity using VMS data. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2013
ICES advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2013
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2012
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2012
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2011
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2011
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2010
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2010
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Subsurface - 2009
ICES special request advice: OSPAR request to support the development of common and candidate OSPAR biodiversity indicators for benthic habitats: pressure maps. -
OSPAR Bottom Fishing Intensity - Surface - 2009
ICES produced fishing abrasion pressure maps using the data provided by nine OSPAR Contracting Parties. Separate maps were produced for surface abrasion and subsurface abrasion. -
Lough Erne Transboundary Catchment
The catchment of the River Erne covering both Northern Ireland and Ireland.
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