Freshwater Information Platform
The Freshwater Information Platform (FIP) provides up-to-date information on freshwater science as well as an array of research resources and tools for the assessment and... -
Spatial context of the SAC Rio Vouga PTCON0026
Spatial context of the Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation Rio Vouga PTCON0026. / Contexto espacial do Sítio de Importância Comunitária (SIC) Rio Vouga PTCON0026 da Rede... -
Spatial context of the SPA Ria de Aveiro PTZPE0004
Spatial context of the Natura 2000 Special Protection Area of Ria de Aveiro PTZPE0004. / Contexto espacial da Zona de Protecção Especial (ZPE) PTZPE0004 da Rede Natura 2000. -
WFD 2010 ecological and chemical status of superficial waterbodies (rivers)
The ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of the superficial waterbodies (rivers) of mainland Portugal reported to the European Comission within the scope... -
WFD 2010 ecological and chemical status of superficial waterbodies
The ecological status, ecological potential and chemical status of the superficial waterbodies (lakes, transitional and coastal) of mainland Portugal reported to the European... -
Geoportal SNIAmb - Portuguese National Information System of Environment
Portuguese Geographic Information System portal for the environment. It includes multiple datasets and shapefiles available to both visualize and download. / Sistema Nacional de... -
Portuguese Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests website
Portuguese Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests website. -
CS7 River quality assessment in Canton Zurich
River quality assessment in Canton Zurich (in German). -
CS7 River quality assessment in Canton Aargau
River quality assessment in Canton Aargau (in German). -
CS7 National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme Switzerland (NAWA)
National Surface Water Quality Monitoring Programme Switzerland (NAWA). -
CS7 Biodiversity Monitoring Switzerland (BDM)
Description of the biodiversity monitoring program in Switzerland. -
Link between ecosystem services and biodiversity
Guiding reference: an example quantifying the link between biodiversity and ecosystem services (applied to the nursery function) so that policy may be effective in halting... -
Methods and approaches to modelling the Anthropocene
Guiding reference: assessing current model representations of Anthropocene dynamics, to enhance the role of modeling tools to better help understanding Anthropocene dynamics and... -
Fishing for data and sorting the catch: assessing the data quality,...
Guiding reference: assessing the quality and completeness of the distribution records within the European and international Ocean Biogeographic Information Systems (EurOBIS and... -
Comparison of gridded sea surface temperature datasets for marine ecosystem studies
Resolving autocorrelation from environmental drivers of biotic change. -
Tales from a thousand and one ways to integrate marine ecosystem components...
Guiding reference: giving criteria to define spatial scales and some guidance on aggregating and integrating information (components, indicators) to assess the environmental... -
Current Status and Future Prospects for the Assessment of Marine and Coastal...
Guiding reference: extracting and classifying indicators used to assess and map marine and coastal ecosystem services (MCES). -
Variability in the Carbon Storage of Seagrass Habitats and Its Implications...
Variability in seagrass carbon stock and accumulation rates, factors driving this variability, in order to improve global estimates of seagrass Blue Carbon storage. -
The conceptual foundation of environmental decision support
The combination of probability theory and scenario planning with multi-attribute utility theory, with adaptations and extensions of these theories, to capture societal... -
Spatial and temporal changes in cumulative human impacts on the world’s ocean
Calculating and mapping recent change over 5 years in cumulative impacts to marine ecosystems globally from fishing, climate change, and ocean- and land-based stressors.
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