The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services

البيانات و الموارد

معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث سبتمبر 10, 2018, 13:29 (UTC)
أنشئت يوليو 26, 2018, 08:59 (UTC)
اللغة Eng
Original language English
Abstract Identifying the effects that small magnitude frequently occurring floods and extreme floods have on ten aquatic ecosystem services through a systematic literature review.
الترخيص CC-BY-4.0
Classification Environment
Free keywords Ecosystem services, Extreme floods, Freshwater, Rivers, Floodwaters, High discharge, Floodplains, Natural floods, Ecological functions
Responsible party Organisation: Springer Nature
Role: Publisher
Related publications Talbot Ceara J., Elena M. Bennett, Kelsie Cassell, Daniel M. Hanes, Elizabeth C. Minor, Hans Paerl, Peter A. Raymond et al. (2018) "The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services." Biogeochemistry: 1-23.